Rain or Shine Art Therapy supports the Black Lives Matter movement.
Civil rights discrimination towards POC and other minorities is a public health crisis!
Oppression is not acceptable!
Racism is an everyday reality for people of color in overt and covert ways. Intergenerational biases, blinders, and systemic racism create barriers for POC in all facets of life. People of color experience disparities in access to resources and opportunities. Marginalized populations continue to suffer many injustices. Minorities are often discriminated against and limited access to health and mental health care continue to be problematic.
There is an intrinsic need to change social policies and broken systems. We must acknowledge, respect, and celebrate our differences. It is our ethical duty to correct the impact of oppression and discriminatory practices, fight for social justice, and to advocate for equality for all. We must increase our awareness of these inequities and promote efforts to reduce these disparities within national, state, and local efforts.
Art therapists are guided by the American Art Therapy Association’s Art Therapy AATA’s Multicultural and Diversity Competencies and refer to The ATCB Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures for appropriate conduct.
“Art therapists will not discriminate against or refuse professional services to individuals or groups based on age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, national origin, culture, marital/partnership status, language preference, socioeconomic status, citizenship or immigration status, ability, religion/spirituality, or any other basis.” – Code of Ethics and Conduct, Art Therapy Credentials Board
“Multicultural and Diversity Competence in art therapy refers to the capacity of art therapists to continually acquire cultural and diversity awareness of and knowledge about cultural diversity with regard to self and others, and to successfully apply these skills in practice with clients. Art therapists maintain multicultural and diversity competence to provide treatment interventions and strategies that include awareness of and responsiveness to cultural issues. ” – Ethical Principles for Art Therapists, American Art Therapy Association, 2013
Art Therapy Credential Board- Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures
American Art Therapy Association- Ethical Principles for Art Therapists
Specialized Mental Health Resources for POC and other minorities
The Borace Lawrence Henson Foundation is offering up to 5 free therapy sessions during COVID19 for People of Color
The Safe Place is a mental health app specifically developed for the Black community
Well Williamsburg is offering free therapy for Black and indigenous people of color (BIPOC) living in New York.
Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Human Rights- Mental Health Resources for New York
Inclusive Therapists in New York
Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness
African American Therapists
Asian American Therapists
Hispanic/Latino Therapists
Native American Therapists
LGBTQA Therapists Suffolk County
LGBTQA Therapists Nassau County